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Jungian psychotherapy

Sometimes known as depth psychology or analysis, Jungian psychotherapy is a form of deep reflection aimed at bringing to consciousness dynamics which are affecting our waking life but of which we are unaware. It is especially useful in situations where symptoms are bewildering or overwhelming. Sometimes there may be no apparent physical reason for something, such as a failure to conceive. A Jungian approach can often release the energy needed to change the situation.

Although strictly speaking it is a “talking therapy”,  part of the therapist’s role is to attune to deeply unconscious aspects of the client’s experience – often right brain, pre-verbal experiences – and to help to bring these into relationship with the more rational aspects of the brain’s function. This is particularly important for people who have suffered trauma very early in life. Indeed, it is often relevant for the children and grandchildren of trauma victims. Though invariably painful it is also very liberating and most people discover hidden treasure in their unconscious which enriches their lives in unexpected ways

Body Work

Anyone can benefit from receiving Body Work. You don’t have to be ill or suffering from stress! It can help to boost your immune system and generally improve energy levels. However it is often helpful in the treatment of depression, back pain and chronic complaints such as headaches, hypertension, insomnia and digestive problems. It can safely be used to complement medical treatment and it is also safe to treat people suffering from cancer. The techniques used are very gentle. The aim is to work with the body with the understanding that the body has within it an inherent drive to become healthy and the practitioner always seeks to work in harmony with that wisdom in each individual.


Hypnosis can be a useful tool to help you to access energy from the unconscious, which can then be used to support you in any changes you are making in your life. There is a popular misconception that hypnosis can override your conscious mind, persuading you to do things that you don’t want to do. In a therapeutic context this is far from the case. Used carefully, hypnosis enables your hard-working conscious mind to rest while the unconscious communicates new information with it. In this way new energy and new possibilities are brought into conscious awareness so that the conscious mind can benefit from new insights. This will  be part of the process of ongoing  psychotherapy, and while hypnosis is not a “magic cure”, it can be a great support in situations where change is desired but difficult to achieve. .

What do you need?

Both body work and Jungian psychotherapy offer ways of resolving some of the stresses of modern life. As lost connections between mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of their lives are restored, people often find that they get in touch with long forgotten feelings and memories which help them to make sense of their present situation. Both approaches release resources which may have been hidden in the unconscious, and in most cases the two are complementary and the work develops organically. It could be described as a process of coming home to yourself and discovering what it really means to be you. The journey to the inner world is one of profound healing, so whether you choose the “talking” route or the  more body oriented route, you are working to restore your energy for life and your freedom to be yourself. 

Many therapists who have already had talking therapy find that body work is an invaluable support and can help them to draw on resources within that might otherwise have been unavailable.


But if you are not sure what is right for you, listen to your inner wisdom! The way will become clear as long as you want to find it!

My Approach

What can you expect?

After the initial phone call to make an appointment many people feel very anxious about the first session, especially if the world of therapy is new to them, and it helps to have an idea of where you will be. The therapy room is a log cabin situated in the garden where you can be sure of a quiet space, and where you can think about the kind of therapy that you would like. There is a cloakroom available at the front of the house. In the first session you will be asked some questions about your health, lifestyle and any medication you may be taking. You will be invited to talk about what you are hoping to get from the therapy, and all of this is strictly confidential. You will have the opportunity to find out more about the different therapies and the sort of commitment that you would be making if you decided to go ahead.

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